.XXX General Pre-Registration Questions

  • Are .XXX domains only for the adult industry?

    You must be a member of the Sponsored Community to register a .XXX domain. However, the registry is not determining what content is considered adult content; they only require that you are a member of the Sponsored Community.

  • If we submit an application in Sunrise A and get the name, do we have to operate it as an adult-oriented site or can we just re-direct it unless and until we decide we want to provide some adult-related stuff?

    As long as you fit the definition of the Sponsored Community and authenticate correctly, your domain will resolve and it can be redirected.

  • I want to pre-register .XXX domain names, which Sunrise period should I use?

    Check the registry rules at www.icmregistry.com for details about the right Sunrise period for you

  • If an applicant is a member of the Sponsored Community with verifiable trademark rights and is also owner of exact matching strings in other TLDs, which Sunrise A Fee (trademark or grandfathering) is applicable?

    In this example the applicant may apply either for a domain name backed by a trademark or grandfathered via an existing domain name.

  • Why do each of the Sunrise periods (AT, AD, B) have the same date?

    The registry is running all Sunrise periods at the same time.

  • What if there is more than one application for the same domain name?

    Sunrise AT and Sunrise AD have priority over Sunrise B. For multiple applications in Sunrise AT and or Sunrise AD, competing applications will go to an auction. For example, in the scenario where valid applications are submitted in each of the three sunrise periods, the domain would go to one auction for all of the applicants in Sunrise AT and Sunrise AD together. Sunrise B applicants would not participate in the auction and would not be allowed to block the domain.

  • Are the Sunrise periods first come, first served?

    No, there is no first come, first served rush. You must enter all domains between September 07 – October 28, 2011.

  • What happens if I don't get the domain I applied for, will I get a refund?

    You will get refunded only for the Registration Fee. Any Application Fees are non-refundable.

  • Can I use ID Protect on .XXX domains?

    Eventually yes, but not during the Sunrise validation periods.

  • What is the create date for an "awarded" domain?

    Create date is the date that the domain goes live in the Registry. For domains awarded during Sunrise or Landrush the creation date will be on or before General Availability of December 6, 2011.

  • Will there be a WHOIS for Sunrise?

    Registrants and Registrars will be notified as domains are awarded, but awarded domains will actually be created and allowed to resolve on or just before December 6, 2011. WHOIS information for these domains will be public on December 6, 2011.

  • Premium Names – is there a list? We have generic brands, and itÂ’s not uncommon to have them show up on premium lists.

    The list will not be published, due to the sensitive nature of some terms. Sponsored Community Questions

  • What is the Sponsored Community, am I required to belong to it?

    The Sponsored Community is called International Foundation For Online Responsibility (www.iffor.org). All domain Registrants in .XXX must be a member, with the exception of Sunrise B applicants which do not have to be a member. Sponsored Community consists of individuals, business, entities, and organizations that fit one of the following descriptions:

    • Provide Online Adult Entertainment intended for consenting adults ("Providers") (e.g. adult webmasters, performers, studios, store owners, club operators);
    • Represent Providers ("Representatives") (e.g. lawyers, agents, advisors, accountants, affiliates); or
    • Provide products or services to Providers and Representatives ("Service Providers") (e.g. adult domainers, manufacturers, delivery companies, caterers, distribution companies, merchant account services, make up artists, stylists, hosting services).

  • What is the process to get my Sponsored Community membership?

    1. Person/company submits an application for a name in Sunrise AT, Sunrise AD or Landrush through eNom.
    2. ICM sends the person/company an introduction email with a validation link – to the Registrant Contact email address provided with their application.
    3. The person/company clicks on the validation link within the ICM email and is directed to the ICM Membership Application.
    4. The person/company fills out the ICM Membership Application — free of charge. (Takes about 5 minutes to complete – the Registrant will only have to do this one time per email account, not per domain.)
    5. As a part of ICM's Membership Application, the person has to do the following:
      • Provide correct birth date information
      • Agree to ICM's terms of service
      • Attest to being a member of the Sponsored Community
    6. ICM will validate certain contact details:
      • Address
      • Phone Number
    7. ICM will call the phone number provided during the Membership Application
    8. In that phone call, ICM will provide the person with a PIN # (real time) and the applicant will input the pin in the designated area in the Membership Application process.
    9. Once the person completes the Membership Application, ICM provides the registrar a Membership Token thus allowing all of the .XXX domain names associated with that email account to resolve.

  • Is Sponsored Membership free?

    Yes, membership is free. For more information about IFFOR, please see their website (www.iffor.org).
  • I am not a member; do I need to be before I submit applications during Sunrise periods?

    No, you do not need to be a member first. After you submit an application for Sunrise AT, Sunrise AD or Landrush your Registrant contact email address will receive an email to authenticate after the application has been submitted. You MUST complete the Sponsored Community authentication process by November 2nd at 16:00 UTC or the application will not be validated.

  • What if I donÂ’t complete the membership process in time?

    Your application will not be validated and you will not be refunded your application fee.

  • I need to be re-sent the notice to authenticate membership, where can I get another one?

    You will need to go to www.icmregistry.com for information on how to retrieve another email.

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